Indonesian Batik Fabric Supplier

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The Leading Supplier of Batik Fabrics
Supplying across the globe

About Us

Asha Batik Indonesia is a leading supplier of batik fabric products from Indonesia. We are a company in that provide various batik fabrics products with the best materials. We process more than thousand yards of fabric, that distribute to domestic market in indonesia. Initially, our company  sold liquid “Malam” ink products, namely ink used to make motifs on batik fabrics. And after that our company expanded and expanded into the manufacture of batik fabrics, to make more batik products. Asha Batik Indonesia wants to serve customers from all over the world and it is our top priority to meet the satisfaction and expectation of our customers.

The Story of Batik

Explore the captivating legacy of batik from Solo/Surakarta, Indonesia – a city steeped in the exquisite artistry of this cultural treasure. Solo is a distinguished hub for batik craftsmanship, nurturing a rich heritage in preserving and advancing this mesmerizing textile art.

The history of batik in Solo/Surakarta dates back to ancient kingdoms, where it held profound significance, not just as an art form but as a symbol of societal status and identity.

Under the patronage of the Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat, batik flourished, witnessing artisans craft intricate and diverse designs, encouraged by royal support.

In the 19th century, Solo’s batik gained global recognition, captivating art enthusiasts worldwide with its mesmerizing motifs and impeccable detailing.

Today, the rich tapestry of Solo batik history continues, each design a narrative of cultural richness and artistry passed down through generations.

Discover our exclusive collection of Solo/Surakarta batik, a testament to artistic brilliance and a cultural heritage preserved with passion and dedication.

Explore our authentic Solo/Surakarta batik collection, a testament to centuries of craftsmanship and tradition that we proudly present.

Our Techniques


hand drawing batik

Step into the enchanting world of batik, where every piece is a testament to the artistry of hand-drawn batik using the traditional “canting” method.

Our batik pieces are brought to life through an age-old process involving the skilled hands of our artisans using the “canting” tool. With precision and expertise, hot wax is meticulously applied by hand onto pristine white fabric, forming intricate and unique designs.

The “canting” technique requires incredible skill as the molten wax is delicately guided onto the fabric, creating barriers that resist the penetration of dyes during the coloring process.

Once the intricate wax patterns are meticulously drawn, our artisans hand-paint vibrant dyes onto the fabric. Each stroke of color is carefully placed, enhancing the beauty of the batik design while respecting the wax-resistant patterns.

The marriage of “canting” and hand-painted coloring results in one-of-a-kind batik pieces that reflect the dedication and artistry of our craftsmen.

Explore our collection and discover the rich heritage and exquisite craftsmanship embodied in each hand-drawn batik creation.

Colet Proses

screen printing Cold wax Batik

Welcome to our vibrant batik world, where artistry meets tradition! Our unique batik pieces come to life through a meticulous process involving screen printing with the wax-resist method known as “Malam.”

Our skilled artisans expertly apply Malam wax onto pristine white fabric using specialized tools, creating precise patterns. This wax acts as a barrier, preventing dye absorption and forming intricate designs during the screen printing process.

Once the screen printing is complete, our artisans infuse the fabric with vivid colors using the “colet” technique. Each color is carefully applied by hand to the Malam-treated areas, resulting in a stunning interplay of hues and shades.

The culmination of screen printing with Malam wax and the intricate “colet” coloring technique yields unique batik pieces. These creations not only showcase artistic brilliance but also embody our dedication to preserving cultural heritage.

Explore our batik collection, where every piece is a testament to the craftsmanship and artistry of our talented team.

Batik Fabric from Indonesia - Image of Colorful Batik Fabric Designs

Stamp Batik

Welcome to our world of batik, where the artistry of the “Batik Cap” or stamp batik technique creates exquisite designs with meticulous precision.

Our batik pieces are crafted through the traditional “Batik Cap” method, where specially carved copper stamps are used to apply hot wax onto the fabric. These intricate stamps, each with its unique design, are carefully pressed onto pristine white fabric, forming beautiful patterns.

The “Batik Cap” technique allows for the creation of repeated motifs with remarkable accuracy, as the wax acts as a resistance against dyes during the coloring process.

Once the wax patterns are stamped onto the fabric, our skilled artisans apply vibrant dyes by hand, infusing life and color into the cloth. The dyes seep into the untreated areas, creating a stunning contrast against the wax-resisted patterns.

The marriage of “Batik Cap” stamping and hand-applied coloring results in mesmerizing batik pieces, each bearing a symphony of carefully crafted designs and vibrant colors.

Explore our collection and experience the tradition and artistry woven into every “Batik Cap” masterpiece we create.

Our Blog

You can see our blog here, click to see blog detail. You can see journey of Batik or news about exported, product process and many more.

Crafted Small, Loved Worldwide: Your Custom Batik

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